How Katy Nichole’s prayer inspired her hit song

How Katy Nichole’s prayer inspired her hit song

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“I sat down and said, ‘Lord, please speak something over me right now’ and [God said] ‘I speak the name of Jesus over you’… the name above all names, Jesus, was being spoken over me… it brought so much peace.” – Katy Nichole

Katy was struggling that day. Wrestling with sadness, and feeling the brokenness of her life, she decided to just sit at her piano and pray for God to speak. When God’s voice soothed her aching heart, she knew this was a moment that was meant to be shared.

And so, Katy Nichole wrote her song In Jesus Name (God of Possible) which has touched millions of lives since its release in 2022.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” – Colossians 3:17