I appreciate the fact that our pastor, Tom Evans goes above and beyond his pastoral duties. The following is just one example of this. On Friday night, July 14, 2023, I received a phone call that every First Responder mother fears. My son was one of the Fargo Police Officers that was ambushed and shot in the line of duty. He was in surgery and in critical condition. I still can’t remember bits and pieces of that night but at some point, as we waited in the hospital, I received a phone call from my pastor, Pastor Tom Evans. He was informing me that he was on the way. I was taken back because I hadn’t even called him! I told him that it’s too far for him to drive (4 hours). He insisted, saying, “No… I need to be there. I’m already on the road.” I think he arrived around midnight. He prayed over my son that night. Although remaining in critical condition with a breathing tube still attached, the next morning, my son was awake and acknowledged Pastor Tom’s words and prayers with a hand squeeze and blinking eyes. It meant a lot to Ty (my son), myself and my family that he was there. Months later, Pastor Tom setup a fundraiser for Ty and his wife. As he presented the gift to them, he said to the congregation, “This is a miracle that Ty is standing before us today. I saw him the first night in the hospital and I can tell you, that this is an absolute miracle.” Well, Pastor, you were a big part of that miracle. For the last year and half, you’ve continued to provide prayers and support for the additional surgeries and healing for my son, his wife and our family. In addition to caring for his own congregation, Pastor Tom prays and supports ALL first responders and military personnel. Every year, he sets up a coffee drive for our city police department’s favorite coffee and delivers multiple bags to them. He deserves to be recognized for all that he did/does for my family, our church, our community, First Responders and military personnel. Thank you, Pastor Tom for all you’ve done and continue to do for us. Your kindness, prayers and support do not go unnoticed. You truly are a gift from God for our church.

What should we do when we’re desperate? Cry out to God! That’s what Jamie MacDonald sings in “Desperate.”