When I moved to the south metro from the east metro, I knew that I had to find a new faith family. I started to research churches on their websites to see if their church was for me. I discovered Grace Lutheran while I was out doing a few errands. It was in close proximity to my home, which is a big plus. I went to the Grace website and watched the introduction to the church by Pastor Sarah. I thought that this was too good to be true so I decided to go to a service to see if it was for me. As soon as I stepped into the church, I was greeted by so many wonderful people who were genuinely happy to see me there. Since that Sunday, I have not missed one Sunday service. I have since become a member, volunteered for church committees, and attend education sessions and Bible study. Pastor Sarah is the leader of our church and has set the tone that everyone is welcome just as they are. She has the most amazing spirit and her joy is infectious. When all hope seemed lost in finding my family of faith, God pointed me in the direction of Pastor Sarah. My heart is so full of happiness and joy thanks to the welcoming spirit and amazing sermons Pastor Sarah and Pastor Reed give each Sunday. My faith only continues to grow thanks to their inspirational leadership!

In his song “Praise God for That,” Jordan Feliz sings of how we can praise God for His goodness.