- The way he goes above and beyond to serve God’s people. He will stop at nothing to see God’s people being set free!
- What I appreciate about my Pastor is that he is a very selfless individual. Apostle Samuel is always there for his members whether rain or sunshine he shows up for us. Apostle doesn’t only preach the word of God but he is a demonstration of God’s word so that we as sheep can follow his leadership. There is not a time when someone is in trouble, needs advice or encouragement Apostle Samuel is always there to pick up the phone at any hour. 5 years ago was in a situation where I did not have a home to go to anymore and Apostle Samuel and his family said that no matter what they will help me. They helped me strengthen my spiritual life, gave me a car, helped me get an apartment and so much more. I am so grateful to God for the Man of God that I am under!

What should we do when we’re desperate? Cry out to God! That’s what Jamie MacDonald sings in “Desperate.”