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Randy Morrison – Speak the Word Church International

  • Pastor Randy Morrison teaches us to “live your life by design, and not from crisis to crisis”. His life has been a demonstration of this as well. Through tough circumstances, he has not wavered in his faith and he teaches the uncompromised Word of God all over the world. It has been a pleasure for me to sit under his tutelage for the past 25 years and I have never experienced him being anything but honest, and faithful to the ministry that God has called him to. He does not waver on the word of God just to keep parishioners, instead, he teaches us to be strong in the Lord and His mighty power. Sometimes his sermons are humorous so I am never bored. Over the years others have left the church, but I always seen them come back, and I believe they cannot find another pastor like him.
  • He always has a word that speaks to me and stirs my spirit. He has been a blessing for many years!