Father Paul Haverstock has had significant, lifelong impact on my life in a short period of time. Within the past year, I have been searching for a more structured, relationship seeking faith. In searching for a church and priest that offers those qualities and makes faith “fun”, Father Paul opened a door that I didn’t know was possible. He is wise, witty, patient, precise, and a great listening ear. With each question I have had about the Catholic faith, Father Paul has not judged or avoided, but rather, he has gone the extra mile to explain and provide deep, relatable context. As my fiancé and I prepare for marriage, I am eternally grateful for a priest who brought us closer to God, makes us laugh, and shares his own vulnerabilities. A shout out and “hallelujah” hardly scratches the surface of appreciation.

In his song “Praise God for That,” Jordan Feliz sings of how we can praise God for His goodness.