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Mark Innocenti – Saint Andrew Catholic Church

Fr Mark is very committed to the teachings of the Catholic church and is very good at challenging his parishioners to live as Christ lives and build His kingdom through our daily lives. He is very supportive of the school and kids learning about how much Jesus loves them. He gets involved in the community outside of the Church and makes all feel welcome and loved. He goes above and beyond to make the sacraments available to the parish and encourage all to partake in the sacraments no matter if they feel “unworthy” or have not been part of the sacraments for some time. Lastly, he had one thing that hit home with me. We have small children and we always bring them to church. He had a pamphlet placed in each pew that eases parents’ minds to allow your children to “misbehave” in church and be loud and be kids; God is so glad they are there and parents shouldn’t feel guilty for disruptions or crying or such behavior during church. It made me feel welcome to have my children there, no matter what their mood is during service.