My Pastor listens to us. He is at church for long hours. He’s only been at Augustana for maybe a year. He and his family are involved in the church activities. My son’s fiancé passed on September 14,this year. It was a very traumatic time for us all. He listened to me babble on and told me he was there for me to cone and talk anytime. I asked him to do the funeral. He didn’t hesitate. He knew we didn’t have much money. He did it for free. Then when he gave the hominy and the sermon, the Words he spoke touched us all. That’s how I knew he listened to me when I was babbling. He really heard me and he counseled us all during the hominy. I thank God for the man he placed at Augustana to work along side others to make my church home a place for our families to grow in Love.

In his song “Praise God for That,” Jordan Feliz sings of how we can praise God for His goodness.