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Janet Gullickson – Janet Gullickson

Pastor Janet heads many of the groups needed at the church. We are a small church and the head pastors wear many hats. She always has a word of encouragement, and is a complete roll model of what a Christian life is all about. Loving your neighbors, your co-workers, and teaching us to be Christ-like. She is helping to bring the children up in the way they should be, very well-versed in the word of God. Pastor Janet is the head Pastor, main hostess on the tv program that airs in several communities metro and surrounding areas, and she puts the weekly radio show together. Janet has a prayer meeting every Wednesday morning via telephone conference, which many people join. She assists with prison ministry, Lion Lakes/Stillwater, street ministry, clothing, food, getting rides for people, as well as hospital and nursing home visits. On the Praise & Worship team she does lead vocal, harmonies, and so much more. Pastor Janet has a life she lives out in the service of the Christ, it not a sacrifice, it is her life style. Boots on the ground marching to the great commission. I am blessed to be part of her team.