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Dean Swenson

  • I appreciate his heart to reach the lost. He is a great people person and makes people (regulars and visitors) feel welcome. I am so thankful for you, Pastor Dean, and for all you do for our church!!!!
  • Pastor Dean is an amazing guy. He has such a tender heart and truly desires all to know about Jesus Christ. He goes out of his way to make people feel welcome and loved. He has helped so many people turn their lives around. He is a blessing to our congregation and to all that know and love him.
  • Dean is a passionate follower of Jesus and an amazing Shepherd for our body of Christ. His enthusiasm for seeking Jesus and being an example of that in welcoming everyone, being there for the hurting and loving like Jesus while maintaining the truth of the Bible is simply amazing. His energy and passion for this body is incredible. May the Lord bless him and his family mightily.
  • He’s so caring and uplifting and greets us with a hug and smile whenever he sees us.