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Brian Vaughan

God placed Pastor Brian in my life for a very special reason. He knew that Pastor Brian would be the person who would change our family’s lives, for the better. It all started with an application for baptism for my daughters. While I was talking with him I mentioned that their dad and I were not legally married. During this whole discussion about the kids being baptized, I decided I wanted to be baptized as an adult instead of just an infant where I had no memory behind it. Well through the grace of God and Pastor Brian being his vessel, he had a secret meeting with my then boyfriend. A couple days later he proposed to me. We pulled off our wedding in 7 days of planning! We planned on finding a Justice of the Peace to perform a court house wedding, but Pastor Brian was even able to squeeze us in the Chapel at our home church to perform the ceremony for us. Then 2 weeks later my oldest daughter and I were baptized by Pastor Brian. I am so thankful for all of the pastors at our church, but especially thankful for Pastor Brian as the one who made our family whole! Thank you Pastor Brian for everything you have done to help us!