Pastor Brian Suter of Branch Church in Shorewood, MN, is a truly incredible individual. From the moment I met him, he made me feel seen, heard, and understood. My now wife and I, which Pastor Brian married us this past June, joined Branch Church about a year ago and the moment we walked in the door he stopped us for close to 20 minutes just to say hi and introduce himself. He has since welcomed us into his home and led us in our walk with God and has been a true role model for me. Pastor Brian embodies Him in all that he does, being a minister of His work in all that he does, acting as salt and light to those around him. If any pastor is deserving of this, it’s Pastor Brian. This man has worked tirelessly to plant Branch Church and to connect people to Jesus and each other through the truth of God’s word. Thank you, Pastor Brian, for all that you do. God bless!
Here are some quick and easy ways to fight back against the winter blues!