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Andrew’s story

I just want to say how much I appreciate the KTIS radio station. Recently, I have been going through an incredibly tough time. I had worked for a local company for ten years rising from the ranks as an Engineer to Solution Architect in IT. That came to a crashing halt when the company decided to outsource most of their IT department to an offshore outsourcing company. We were given one week to sign with the company or be fired with no benefits or severance.

This affected more than one hundred people. Only a few had other job opportunities ready to go. As people started to leave, the burden was placed on those remaining with some being reassigned and replaced with offshore resources. Over the course of six months, my responsibilities grew. I was given new responsibilities without having anyone to pass my previous responsibilities off to.

This brought me to last Christmas. I had gone to Indiana to be with my family and escape my job. As soon as I got back from Christmas, I went into a major depression just wanting things to end. The constant stress and extremely long hours (50 to 60+) had taken a toll on my mental and physical health.

I ended up going on medical leave and into a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). This program was Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM for three weeks with constant supervision from mental health professionals. I am now in an intensive outpatient program.

This brings me to KTIS. Throughout the six months, I would listen to KTIS every chance I got when I was out driving. This was not as much as I would like since I worked from home. Sometimes I would not leave the house for an entire week. Once I got into PHP, I listened to KTIS on the way and on the way back. I was able to do a spiritual check-in and check-out with my Lord and Savior.

One of the songs on KTIS that hit me the most was “Reckless Love”. That has been my theme song for the last 9 months. I was able to go with my wife and daughter to the TobyMac concert recently and totally lost it when Cory Asbury sang Reckless Love. I couldn’t stop crying. As soon as the song was over, I had to cover my head and sob.

I really, really, really appreciate KTIS for helping to put that together. Please keep up the great work. You don’t know the lives you touch in so many ways! To God be the Glory!!!