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Remembering Easter every day

Keith Stevens
Keith Stevens

Easter is often thought of as the most important holiday in the Christian faith, and for good reason. This day is when God’s plan of salvation was fulfilled. But Easter Sunday is not just a holiday, it is an ongoing representation of Christian life. Since the beginning of Genesis, God’s plan was always to send a savior. We can look back and see the prophecy throughout scripture that led up to this special day. The same applies to each of us when we made the commitment to a spiritual rebirth. In 1 Peter 1:3 (ESV) it states,

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Peter’s message about Easter can be appreciated every day of our lives.

The resurrection is not just one day but it is an ongoing element of our faith. We are living proof of this. Most Christians will experience persecution or struggles throughout their walk with God. This is a result of our own sacrifices. Even though these things may be far less severe than what Jesus experienced on the cross, we still can look to our Savior for the selfless example that we need to get through it. Similar to Christ, we are also promised with a rebirth. Not only are we promised this when we arrive in Heaven, but we have already experienced it by making the commitment to living the rest of our life to serve God.

After Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, the message was intended to be spread to others. Today this is reflected in how God instructs us to share the gospel so that everyone has the chance to experience a rebirth. Now that spring is here and new beginnings are all around us, it is a great opportunity to look around us for the signs of Easter that can be found every day.