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Daniel Flemming – Apostolic Bible Institute/Church

Pastor Daniel and Amanda Flemming truly are the epitome of excellence in pastoring. In my entire life, I have never felt so loved by the pastor of my church. I had been helping in ministry with another church for a few years and felt led that my time there had come to an end. I looked and looked for a church to become a member of, but it just never felt right. But, I felt drawn to the church of my childhood and part of my adult life. They recently had received a new pastor so I met with Pastor Daniel & his precious wife, Amanda, after church one Sunday morning. After a long conversation of me telling them my history, basically, with tears in his eyes, Pastor Daniel extended his hand to me and said, “Welcome home, Deb!” I have found those were not empty words. They CONSISTENTLY show love to me and accept me as I am and where I am in this journey. The church already has their same personality traits of being a warm, loving, and friendly church. I watch and see that they are the same with everyone as they give their time to anyone who needs it, for as long as they need it, even if it means being late for, or missing an event entirely. Pastor Daniel truly is a God-like shepherd as he watches and looks carefully after his sheep, and I have seen no favoritism, one sheep over another sheep. They, we, are all loved and cared for alike! Prior to coming here, Pastor Daniel held the highest organizational position in the state in which they moved here from, so he was kind of a big deal, you could say. But, his humility is worn like a cloak, and his wife, Amanda, equally so. They will welcome anyone and everyone to come home, whether they were a member in the past or someone that’s looking for a great church family, who has an INCREDIBLE, loving pastor. Oh, and the icing on the cake? He is the absolutely BEST preacher and delivers God’s Word with clarity and with the powerful anointing of God, while he compassionately reaches for each person individually, and receives them without condemnation. Thank you, Pastor Daniel & Amanda Flemming for being who you are! I love you!

October 25, 2024
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Joshua Gregersen – Cornerstone Church

Pastor Joshua is caring and intentional about building relationships with the people in our congregation. He’s only been with us a little over a year but he already knows most of the congregation well. He takes his role as Shepherd seriously and reaches out to help when anyone is going through something. His sermons are inspiring and Biblically based and he is authentic as he shares them. We’re so grateful to have him as our pastor!

October 25, 2024
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3 ways to execute a New Year’s resolution that really work

Lisa Barry
Lisa Barry
  1. Don’t make a resolution, make a plan.
    It’s probably the best advice I’ve ever come across regarding resolutions.  For most of us a “resolution” isn’t anything more than a wish. A hope. A dream. In order for that to happen, everything has to be pretty easy.  But then again, if achieving the resolution was easy, you would have done it already! Since it’s probably a goal that’s difficult for you, then it’s going to have to be broken down into manageable steps that increase a little bit over time.
  2. Build reward into the process.
    Jon Acuff, an author, talked to a casino owner one day and asked about what they do when they have a lot of people winning on the same day.  The owner said, “the house always wins.”   In other words, no matter who wins money, the casino never loses.  That’s the way they structured it. I’ve never forgotten that, so whenever I have to do something that’s particularly difficult, I build a reward into the task.  Maybe it’s a latte from Caribou, or a pedicure after a big milestone, but I always make sure there’s a “win” in the little steps, as well as in the goal.
  3. Just pick a word.
    If the whole idea of resolutions is still hard, then do what I’ve seen a lot of people doing recently.  Pick a word.  One that embodies something that you want to become more of.  Like fearless, adventurous, compassion.  Write it on 3×5 cards and put it in various places as a reminder.  Then, as often as you can during the year, be mindful of your word and take opportunities to put it in to practice. 

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions.  But probably one of those fits you.  Happy New Year!

-Lisa Barry