I met Tania when I was 14, I was nanny to her 2 beautiful girls. I looked up to her as a youth and now 35 years later, I am truly blessed to call her my friend. During my hardest times she is who I call when I need some reassurance in my faith. Tania lifted my up when my mother and my brother died, my faith was broken and she helped find my way back. We meet for coffee and catch up about our families and that time truly makes me happy. Tania has always been my favorite preacher, so engaging and enthusiastic about God and reaching out to others. She has been devoted to God’s ministry for so long and she has touched my heart in ways I cannot explain. I have tried, but just a thank you to her is never enough. She is a blessing! Love you T!

What should we do when we’re desperate? Cry out to God! That’s what Jamie MacDonald sings in “Desperate.”